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Basic Policy

At Duskin, we believe that mutual respect among employees with different careers and social backgrounds (gender, age, nationality, lifestyle, etc.) and maximized performance of individual abilities is what allows us to respond effectively to the ever-changing business environment and diversifying customer needs, create new value, and actualize predominance.

In addition to stating that philosophy in our "Duskin Code of Conduct" conduct guide, we define the promotion of diverse human resources as a CSV element, set KPI for female management position percentages and disabled employee hiring percentages, and manage those targets.

●Duskin Code of Conduct 6: Duskin and us

3.Eliminating assumptions about gender-based role divisions
We actively promote participation by female employees in business-related decision-making and reject traditional assumptions about gender-based role divisions. Additionally, we set forth specific targets for allowing female employees to maximize individual performance potential and maintain environments and systems for achieving this.

Indexes and targets

Ensuring diversity and promoting human resources

Targets Target goal year FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2023
Female management
position percentage
13% or higher By FY 2025 9.0% 11.3% 13.1% 14.3%
Mid-career hire management
position percentage
33% or higher 32.7% 39.2% 39.4% 36.6%
Foreign management
position percentage
4% or higher 2.0% 4.6% 4.3% 4.1%
Disabled person
employment percentage
3% or higher By FY 2024 2.68% 2.81% 2.82% 3.10%
  • *The female management position percentage and mid-career hire management position percentage are target values for Duskin Co., Ltd. only.
  • *The target value for the foreign management position percentage includes domestic and overseas group companies.
  • *The target value for the disabled person employment percentage is for the domestic Duskin Group

Promoting female participation and advancement

Based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, we developed a second action plan from FY 2019 to FY 2021 and are advancing an array of efforts from the perspectives of expanding capability development and opportunities for activity, creating work-friendly environments, and cultivating corporate culture. Also, the plan calls for a goal of raising female management position participation to 10% or higher.

Because of the high percentage of female customers using Duskin, it is important to enhance the convenience and user-friendliness of our products and services from a female stance and perspective. Therein, we actively incorporate product development, advertising deployment, etc. that draw on female sensibilities with examples including housework assistance services, maternity mother support plans, and delivery clothing cleaning services.

We have won the Activity Award for two consecutive years at the "Osaka Sakuyahime Award", which was launched in 2016 as an opportunity to award female leaders engaged in corporate and cultural activities. Moving forward, we plan to enhance training for women in the subsection chief class and cultivate the desire to advance to management positions.

Empowering women working on the frontline
  • Action plan flow
  • Female employees in managerial positions (Duskin Co., Ltd.)

System for promotions to full time

System for promotions to full time(Duskin Co., Ltd. only)

Duskin maintains a system to promote non-full-time employees who meet a certain standard of criteria to the full-time employee status. From FY 2016 onward, we widened the door to becoming a full-time employee by installing a new course in the full-time employee category. This "Area-Specific Specialist Course" does not necessitate transferring to a new location with a career change.

Moving forward, we revised the system to allow for changing tracks from the "Area-Specific Specialist Course" to the "General Career Course" or "Area-Specific General Career Course" for further utilization of human resources.

Number of promotions from non-permanent to permanent employee status (Duskin Group, Unit: people)
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Number of promotions 37 133 44 61 65

Retiree rehiring system

Retiress rehired

As Japan's population ages, gaining opportunities to work after retirement has become a necessity due to changes in the social security system. We also believe that filling labor shortage gaps and passing down knowledge and experience gained over long years to the next generation of employees are important.
Rehiring after retirement at 60 years of age usually consists of continuing work in the same area the employee worked in before retirement, allowing us to create an environment in which the retiree can use their experience and easily utilize their abilities.
From FY 2019 onward, together with a revision of the Duskin Corporate Pension System, we raised the basic salary of rehired employees to develop an environment that enhances the motivation to work and gives employees peace of mind in continuing with their jobs.

Promoting employment of foreign employees

Against the backdrop of an increase in housework support needs, we have received certification from Kanagawa, Osaka, and Tokyo as a Specified Organization in the "Project to Accept Foreigners Conducting Housekeeping Services" in National Strategic Special Zones and began taking in employees in April 2017. After receiving training, staff members provide service at customer homes.

In the process of hiring, we go through a partnered human resource development agency (in the Philippines) to provide training in the Japanese language at a level that facilitates daily living in Japan, and teach Japanese culture, living, and customs.

Filipino employees
undergoing training

After arriving in Japan, we provide an environment where our foreign employees can work with peace of mind, with consultations about living in Japan through efforts including periodic talks with specialist staff members. We also link with the managers of shops where they are stationed to provide support for work guidance to Filipino employees.

Work rules are offered in English text. And we also offer a working conditions document written in both English and Japanese, explaining factors including the employment contract period, work content, and work hours. Through these efforts, we make sure staff members can engage in work based on mutual agreement and understanding.

Project to Accept Foreigners Conducting Housekeeping Services

FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Cumulative Headcount Received 48 employees 48 employees 48 employees 62 employees 79 employees
Enrollment at end of term 47 employees 46 employees 40 employees 36 employees 44 employees
Work locations
12 shops in Kanagawa,
Osaka, and Tokyo
12 shops in Kanagawa,
Osaka, and Tokyo
11 shops in Kanagawa,
Osaka, and Tokyo
10 shops in Tokyo 13 shops in Kanagawa,

Promoting employment of people with disabilities

People with disabilities employed
(Duskin Co., Ltd.)

Duskin believes that making our employment environments meet the work needs of disabled people who can work is part of our social responsibility as a company.

To fundamentally increase the employment of people with disabilities, we consider possibilities for arranging work that meets the needs of the disabled and work towards efforts such as maintaining an employment retention follow-up system. Moving forward, we will continue promoting the employment of people with disabilities. With the goal of actualizing a society in which everyone can lead plentiful lives, the Duskin domestic group is moving forward in our business endeavors with the goal of 3% employment of people with disabilities.

Since 1981, we have also been deploying action to support opportunities for people with disabilities to learn about the most advanced welfare through the "Duskin Ainowa Foundation".