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Local and Social Contributions

Basic Policy

As a corporation and a member of local communities, we aim to be of more assistance to the communities of our customers. Duskin's various initiatives contribute to our local communities in line with our philosophy of Sowing the Seeds of Joy.

School Education Support Activities

A Sow the Seeds of Cleanliness Classroom on-site lesson

In recognition of Duskin's efforts in supporting children's education, the company received a 2019 Award of Excellence, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, for its endeavors as an enterprise that promotes experience-based learning activities.

Sow the Seeds of Cleanliness Classroom on-site lessons

In 2012, we started the Sow the Seeds of Cleanliness Classrooms, which are on-site lessons for elementary school students. In these lessons, we help children develop their potential to learn the importance of cleaning and how to use cleaning equipment through hands-on training.

Improving Students' Cleaning Abilities seminar for teachers

Duskin conducts seminars for schoolteachers who have asked for ways to improve their students' abilities during cleaning times at school. Collaborating with the teachers, we have developed programs showing how cleaning routines at school can be improved and how to instruct children on cleaning.

Cleaning Activities for Local Communities

Clean Up My Town

A Clean Up My Town activity

Under its environmental slogan Sowing the Seeds of Ecological Responsibility for the Future, Duskin conducts a nationwide activity to pick up trash at local sites. Initiated in 2006, the campaign has attracted a total of 330,000 participants and continues to collect trash.

Contributing to Prevention of "Special Fraud"

Manufacturing and renting custom-made mats

Example of custom-made mat installation

Our Prevention of Special Fraud Mats assist in protecting people from special types of fraud, which are a recurring nationwide problem. In cooperation with prefectural police, we enlighten and raise the public's awareness by proposing that our Prevention of Special Fraud Mats be placed at financial institutions. A total of more than 10,000 custom-made mats have been placed in front of automated teller machines at financial institutions and convenience stores in 45 of the prefectures and administrative divisions in Japan.