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Environmental Policy & Targets

Duskin has grown by commercializing cleaning and hygiene goods rentals, that is an environmentally friendly business that employs recycling. Currently, we are engaged in actions for environmental conservation not only in rentals but in all business areas.

Environmental Philosophy

We, at Duskin, are grateful for the blessings of nature. Working for peace and harmony between humankind and nature, we will continue to take eco-friendly actions grounded upon the principles of our philosophy of Prayerful Management.

Environmental Policy

As a company committed to sustainability,
we are working to balance environmental conservation and corporate management,
and we will continue contributing to the development of a sustainable society.

  1. ❶Through waste reduction and the effective use of resources, we contribute to maintaining a recycling society.

    • - We pursue recycling rental systems
    • - We promote food loss reduction and recycling of generated food waste
    • - We promote the 3Rs of plastic containers and packaging and renewable use (effective use of resources)
  2. ❷Through climate change response, we contribute to the actualization of a decarbonized society.

    • - We reduce CO2 emissions
    • - We expand renewable energy usage
  3. ❸Through the conservation of water resources and biodiversity, we contribute to maintaining a society of people living in harmony with nature.

    • - We promote irrigation water recycling and water quality conservation
    • - We promote ecosystem conservation activities
    • - We implement chemical substance control and pollution prevention
  4. ❹We contribute to maintaining a society with less environmental burden due to continuous improvement through our environment management system.

    • - We develop environmentally friendly products and services
    • - We implement environmental considerations and improvements aligning with ISO14001 standards and manage via equivalent standards
    • - We train staff with environmental education
April 1, 2021
Representative Director, President and CEO
Hiroyuki Okubo

DUSKIN Green Target 2030

As a set of targets for environmental management to be reached by FY 2030, the Duskin Group established the "DUSKIN Green Target 2030" with the goal of contributing to the actualization of a recycling and decarbonized society as set forth in our Environmental Policy.

In our quest to actualize a recycling society, we introduced reduction targets for food loss quantity in our Food Business, reduction of fossil-derived plastic used across the entire Group, and improvement of the recycling rate for packaging plastic. Additionally, in our quest to actualize a decarbonized society, we set the renewable energy usage rate to 50% by FY 2030 and increased the CO2 emission reduction target for Group branches to 46%, compared to 26% in FY 2013. As a company committed to sustainability, we will continue working to balance environmental conservation and corporate management, and contribute to the development of a sustainable society.

  • 2030 targets Reduce food waste by 50%
  • 2030 targets Renewable energy use rate of 50%

Supplier procurement policy concerning the environment

The Duskin Group sets forth our ideas about environmental friendliness in supplier procurement in our "Purchasing Policy," "Basic Policy Concerning Sustainable Procurement," and "Green Purchasing Guidelines."

Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Logistics Control Regulations (Article 4)

  • 7. We are increasing our promotion of purchasing that prioritizes items with low environmental burden (green procurement), and we work with suppliers to build a resource recycling society.

Green Purchasing Guidelines

3. Basic green purchasing policy

With full consideration of necessity, we focus on the environment in addition to quality and price, and purchase products with the least amount of environmental burden possible.

Issues we consider in purchasing (considerations across the entire product life cycle)

  • (1) If usage and emissions of toxic substances (emission gases, heavy metals, Freon, etc.) are being reduced
  • (2) If the product employs resource and energy conservation
  • (3) If the product uses renewable resources like lumber appropriately
  • (4) If it can be used for a long time
  • (5) If it will be reused or recycled
  • (6) If recycled material is used
  • (7) If appropriate management and disposal is easy

Basic Policy Concerning CSR Procurement

4. Global environment considerations

In alignment with the Duskin Environmental Policy, we promote procurement action for which global environmental conservation is considered.