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ESG Data

Basic Policy

Since our inception, Duskin has been providing customers with products through our rental system. The concept of taking good care of tools and goods is a concept which underlies all of our business divisions, and we maintain and promote initiatives to reduce environmental burden from the four perspectives of reusing things, using communally, reducing, and not throwing things away.

Environment data (2021/2022/2023)
    Boundary Unit 2021 2022 2023
Climate Change
Energy usage Electricity Duskin Group, franchisees,
franchised plants
Thousand kWh 150,387 146,359 143,254
City gas Duskin Group, franchisees,
franchised plants
Thousand m3 5,691 5,401 5,274
Propane gas Duskin Group, franchisees,
franchised plants
Thousand m3 330 376 413
Heavy oil Duskin Group, franchisees,
franchised plants
Thousand L 7,581 7,288 6,771
Kerosene Duskin Group, franchisees,
franchised plants
Thousand L 647 671 696
Gasoline Duskin Group, franchisees,
franchised plants
Thousand L 7,671 8,487 7,470
Total Duskin Group, franchisees,
franchised plants
Thousand GJ 2,381 2,342 2,104
*Review calculation method in FY2022 (Category 13: CO2 emissions from gasoline use by leased vehicles were retroactively transferred to Scope 1, etc.)
Scope 1 Duskin Group, franchisees,
franchised plants
t-CO2 16,140 16,225 15,230
Duskin Group t-CO2 16,803 15,368 15,516
Scope 2
Duskin Group t-CO2 17,683 16,460 16,698
Scope 3 (Greenhouse gas emissions from the entire supply chain) t-CO2 377,429 423,248 442,989
Category 1 Purchased goods and services t-CO2 223,954 265,421 281,770
Category 2 Capital goods t-CO2 21,226 26,936 32,762
Category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 t-CO2 4,910 4,551 5,776
Category 4 Upstream transport and delivery t-CO2 25,112 24,445 24,276
Category 5 Waste generated in operations t-CO2 1,283 1,429 1,368
Category 6 Business travel t-CO2 794 1,301 1,608
Category 7 Employee commuting t-CO2 3,057 3,039 3,399
Category 8 Leased assets (upstream) t-CO2 N/A N/A N/A
Category 9 Downstream transportation and delivery t-CO2 N/A N/A N/A
Category 10 Processing of sold products t-CO2 N/A N/A N/A
Category 11 Use of sold products t-CO2 10,683 9,713 6,402
Category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products t-CO2 149 107 102
Category 13 Downstream leased assets t-CO2 12,723 14,078 12,153
Category 14 Franchises (franchisees and franchised plants) t-CO2 73,540 72,229 73,371
Category 15 Investments t-CO2 N/A N/A N/A
Total Market-based t-CO2 410,372 454,841 473,735
Total Location-based t-CO2 411,252 455,933 474,917
Contamination; Resource Use
NOx emission Duskin Co., Ltd.*1 t 0.04 0.01 0.01
Use of chemicals Production and logistic facilities Duskin Group and franchised plants t 5,838 6,023 5,964
Detergent t 1,485 1,323 1,289
Waste subject to special control Production and logistic facilities Duskin Group and franchised plants t 1.13 4.00 10.00
Waste generated Production and logistic facilities Duskin Group and franchised plants t 13,225 13,036 12,461
Plastic waste t 738 956 925
Wastewater sludge t 9,678 9,163 8,762
Factory-rejected mats and mops t 2,809 2,917 2,774
Resources recycled Production and logistic facilities Duskin Group and franchised plants t 1,363 1,433 1,288
Recyclable waste t 368 400 352
Service equipment t 484 535 489
Cardboard t 511 497 446
Food waste generated Food Group Duskin Group and franchisees t 4,735 4,521 5,311
Waste reduced Food Group Duskin Group and franchisees t 3,264 4,509 5,369
Recycling rate Food Group Duskin Group and franchisees % 59.3 69.1 69.4
Reduction rate of food loss with FY2000 as 100% Food Group Duskin Group and franchisees % 35.7 38.6 27.9
Green purchasing ratio for office and other supplies Head office and headquarters Duskin Co., Ltd. % 100 100 100
Copy paper consumption Head office and headquarters Duskin Co., Ltd. t 48.3 47.4 43.9
Percentage of sales office with ISO 14001 certification Number of vehicles certified as low emission Duskin Co., Ltd. % 73.9 73.1 73.1
Number of vehicles certified as low emission Duskin Group and franchisees 5,487 6,338 7,040
Fines for violations of environment-related laws and regulations Duskin Group and franchisees,
franchised plants
Yen 0 0 0
Water Usages
Water intake Production and logistic facilities Duskin Group and franchised plants Thousand m3 2,154 2,137 2,104
Drinking water Thousand m3 285 279 270
Industrial water Thousand m3 283 286 295
Groundwater Thousand m3 1,586 1,572 1,539
Water intake intensity 2016 as the base year of 100 % 103.6 106.3 103.6
Wastewater Production and logistic facilities Duskin Group and franchised plants Thousand m3 2,046 2,070 1,999
To sewer systems Thousand m3 1,284 1,299 1,254
To rivers Thousand m3 762 771 745
Installed mats on the trails of Hakusan National Park Direct Selling Group Duskin Co., Ltd. Pcs. 44 42 42
place 13 13 13
  • *1 Vehicles belonging to company-owned sales offices in Tokyo,Osaka and Aichi Prefectures
Social data (2021/2022/2023)
    Boundary Unit 2021 2022 2023
Labor Standards
Number of employees Male Duskin Group No. 2,355 2,316 2,328
Female Duskin Group No. 1,423 1,423 1,464
Total Duskin Group No. 3,778 3,739 3,792
Japan Duskin Group No. 3,520 3,483 3,542
Overseas Duskin Group No. 258 256 250
Full-time employees Duskin Group No. 3,138 3,104 3,184
Part-time employees Duskin Group No. 640 635 608
New employees New graduates Duskin Group No. 52 44 38
Mid-career hires Duskin Group No. 180 186 231
Employees promoted to permanent positions Duskin Group No. 44 61 65
Employees who quit the company Duskin Group No. 216 253 206
Labor union membership Number of members Duskin Group No. 2,982 3,025 3,034
Membership ratio Duskin Group % 100 100 100
Employees who have taken
childcare leave
Male Duskin Group No. 18 20 18
Female Duskin Group No. 38 48 45
Employees who have taken
nursing-care leave
Male Duskin Group No. 0 1 2
Female Duskin Group No. 1 2 3
Retirees rehired Duskin Group No. 71 54 40
People with disabilities employed
(reported on June 1)
Number Duskin Group No. 211 210 205
Ratio Duskin Group % 2.81 2.82 3.10
Number of employees Total Duskin Co., Ltd. No. 2,000 1,989 1,988
Females Duskin Co., Ltd. No. 749 762 781
Female employee ratio Duskin Co., Ltd. % 37.5 38.3 39.3
Employees in managerial positions Total Duskin Co., Ltd. No. 362 360 363
Females Duskin Co., Ltd. No. 41 47 52
Ratio of females in
managerial positions
Duskin Co., Ltd. % 11.3 13.1 14.3
New employees
(new graduates and mid-career hires)
Total Full-timers of Duskin Co., Ltd. No. 67 68 70
Mid-career hires Full-timers of Duskin Co., Ltd. No. 22 30 37
Ratio of mid-career hires Full-timers of Duskin Co., Ltd. % 32.8 44.1 52.9
Females Full-timers of Duskin Co., Ltd. No. 40 37 20
Ratio of females in new
Full-timers of Duskin Co., Ltd. % 59.7 54.4 28.6
Employees who left the company
for personal reasons
Total Full-timers of Duskin Co., Ltd. No. 23 35 26
Ratio Full-timers of Duskin Co., Ltd. % 70.0 60.3 60.4
Childcare leave acquisition rate Female Full-timers of Duskin Co., Ltd. No. 17 22 19
Male Full-timers of Duskin Co., Ltd. No. 22 26 22
Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave Full-timers of Duskin Co., Ltd. % 71.0 100 100
Gender pay gap All employees Duskin Co., Ltd. % 61.3
Full-time employee Duskin Co., Ltd. % 72.9
Temporary employee Duskin Co., Ltd. % 87.3
Rate of paid vacations taken Duskin Co., Ltd. % 71.6 76.3 77.6
Average age Male Duskin Co., Ltd. Age 47.5 47.9 47.9
Female Duskin Co., Ltd. Age 43.1 43.2 43.4
Total Duskin Co., Ltd. Age 45.9 46.1 46.2
Average years of service Male Duskin Co., Ltd. Years 17.5 17.7 18.3
Female Duskin Co., Ltd. Years 11.4 11.3 11.4
Total Duskin Co., Ltd. Years 15.3 15.3 15.6
Employee survey scores Satisfaction Duskin Co., Ltd. % 91.3
Work fulfillment Duskin Co., Ltd. % 77.5 73.0
Training hours per employee per year Duskin Co., Ltd. Hour 23.5 18.6 19.5
Annual working hours per employee Duskin Co., Ltd. Hour 1,796 1,811 1,804
Local Communities
Community cleaning event
Number of participants Duskin Group No. 14,108 8,905
Amount of garbage collected Duskin Group L 26,630 65,520
On-site cleaning lessons for
Number of schools participated Duskin Group No. 77 454 440
Number of children participated Duskin Group No. 5,379 38,213 43,917
Social contribution donation system as a shareholder benefit
* Donations to the Duskin AINOWA Foundation and the Japanese
Red Cross Society
Duskin Co., Ltd. Yen 1,241,000 1,123,500 1,100,000
Health and Safety
Ratio of employees who receive regular health checkups Duskin Co., Ltd. % 100 100 100
Ratio of employees who receive workups Duskin Co., Ltd. % 65.6 49.3 59.7
Ratio of employees who maintain desirable weight Duskin Co., Ltd. % 66.9 66.3 63.6
Smoking rate Duskin Co., Ltd. % 22.3 22.0 25.2
Ratio of employees who engage in regular exercise Duskin Co., Ltd. % 30.6 30.1 29.5
Work-related accidents Fatality Duskin Group Cases 0 1 0
At workplace Duskin Group Cases 185 164 192
Cases that required 4
or more days of leave
Duskin Group Cases 36 45 39
While commuting Duskin Group Cases 36 53 42
Cases that required 4
or more days of leave
Duskin Group Cases 9 24 19
Governance data (2021/2022/2023)
    Boundary Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of Directors Internal, male Duskin Co., Ltd.   6 6 6
Internal, female Duskin Co., Ltd.   0 0 0
Internal Total Duskin Co., Ltd.   6 6 6
Outside, male Duskin Co., Ltd.   1 0 0
Outside, female Duskin Co., Ltd.   2 3 3
Outside Total Duskin Co., Ltd.   3 3 3
Total Duskin Co., Ltd.   9 9 9
Ratio of Outside Directors Duskin Co., Ltd. % 33.3 33.3 33.3
Ratio of female Directors Duskin Co., Ltd. % 22.2 33.3 33.3
Number of Audit and Supervisory Board Members Internal, male Duskin Co., Ltd.   2 2 2
Internal, female Duskin Co., Ltd.   0 0 0
Internal Total Duskin Co., Ltd.   2 2 2
Outside, male Duskin Co., Ltd.   2 2 3
Outside, female Duskin Co., Ltd.   1 1 0
Outside Total Duskin Co., Ltd.   3 3 3
Total Duskin Co., Ltd.   5 5 5
Ratio of female Audit and Supervisory Board Members Duskin Co., Ltd. % 20.0 20.0 0
Directors' term of office Duskin Co., Ltd. Years 1 1 1
Board of Directors Number of meetings Duskin Co., Ltd. Meetings 17 17 17
Outside Directors' attendance rate Duskin Co., Ltd. % 100 100 100
Audit and Supervisory Board Number of meetings Duskin Co., Ltd. Meetings 13 13 13
Operating Officers' Board Number of meetings Duskin Co., Ltd. Meetings 12 12 12
Business Strategy Meeting Number of meetings Duskin Co., Ltd. Meetings 2 2 2
Budget Meeting Number of meetings Duskin Co., Ltd. Meetings 10 9 8
Outside Directors and Audit and Supervisory Board Members Council Number of meetings Duskin Co., Ltd. Meetings 15 12 13
Directors Evaluation Committee Number of meetings Duskin Co., Ltd. Meetings 4 4 6
Sustainability Committee
(CSR Committee until 2019)
Number of meetings Duskin Co., Ltd. Meetings 2 2 2
  Duskin Co., Ltd.   9 10 10
Risk Management Committee Number of meetings Duskin Co., Ltd. Meetings 2 2 2
  Duskin Co., Ltd.   12 13 12
Compliance Committee Number of meetings Duskin Co., Ltd. Meetings 4 4 4
  Duskin Co., Ltd.   12 12 11
(excluding Outside Directors)
Basic compensation Duskin Co., Ltd. Thousands of yen 171,345 191,070 193,248
Share-based compensation Duskin Co., Ltd. Thousands of yen 30,726 36,929 36,551
Bonuses Duskin Co., Ltd. Thousands of yen 76,200 65,300 40,200
Total Duskin Co., Ltd. Thousands of yen 278,272 293,300 269,999
Audit and Supervisory Board Members' Compensation
(excluding Outside Audit and Supervisory Board Members)
Basic compensation Duskin Co., Ltd. Thousands of yen 46,650 47,700 48,000
Bonuses Duskin Co., Ltd. Thousands of yen 10,200 7,200 7,200
Total Duskin Co., Ltd. Thousands of yen 56,850 54,900 55,200
Outside Directors' compensation Basic compensation Duskin Co., Ltd. Thousands of yen 43,800 44,250 46,650
Bonuses Duskin Co., Ltd. Thousands of yen 9,600 9,500 9,600
Total Duskin Co., Ltd. Thousands of yen 53,400 53,750 56,250
Fees to accounting auditor Audit certification duties Duskin Co., Ltd. Millions of yen 81 81 81
Non-audit duties Duskin Co., Ltd. Millions of yen 0 0 0
Risk Management and Compliance data (2021/2022/2023)
    Boundary Unit 2021 2022 2023
Political contributions Duskin Co., Ltd. Yen 0 0 0
Dismissal of or disciplinary action against employees
due to violations of policies on corruption
Duskin Co., Ltd.   0 0 0
Total amount of major fines for corruption Duskin Co., Ltd. Yen 0 0 0
Risk Management and Compliance
Compliance training Number of participants Duskin Group   6,678 6,655 6,321
Participation rate Duskin Group % 100.0 98.6 100.0
Number of hotline users Internal Duskin Group Cases 62 75 64
External Duskin Group Cases 13 15 18
Total Duskin Group Cases 75 90 82
Number of complaints regarding human rights violations Power harassment Duskin Group Cases 11 19 14
Sexual harassment Duskin Group Cases 4 3 1
Total Duskin Group Cases 15 22 15
Terms used on this page:
Duskin Group: Duskin Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries
Production and logistic facilities: facilities of the Direct Selling Group located in Japan
Franchisees: business locations and shops of franchisees of the Direct Selling and Food Groups
Franchised plants: franchised production and logistic facilities
Head Office and Headquarters: Head Office, Information System, Contact Center, Regional Offices
Chain business operators specified by the energy saving law:
  • •Head Office and Regional Offices
  • •Direct Selling Group: Domestic company-owned offices, company-owned production and logistic facilities (Osaka Central Plant and Yokohama Central Plant)
  • •Food Group: Company-owned facilities, part of affiliated companies, business locations and shops of franchisees
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