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While the economy, technologies, and culture in today's modern society continue to develop and evolve, environmental issues such as global warming, waste management and the depletion of natural resources are growing increasingly serious. Companies are expected to not only pursue economic profits, but to also fulfill social responsibilities; for example, by taking the environment into consideration in the course of doing business to help bring about a sustainable society.
At Duskin, we have created the Duskin Green Vision 2050 to demonstrate to the public the kind of future we want to help create. We have also set ourselves four "green" challenges with the aim of building a society in which we recycle resources as a common practice and use them efficiently, a net-zero emissions society, and a society in which people live in harmony with the environment are all possible.
The Duskin Green Vision 2050 is a consistent vision that defines the kind of future we want to help create in 2050 with a view to achieving a sustainable world. In formulating this Vision, we used a backcasting approach This approach enabled us to clearly identify our 2030 targets and develop medium-term action plans. The Duskin Green Vision 2050 is positioned as a guideline to enhance the effectiveness of these initiatives.
We are sowing the seeds for a future where people, society and Planet Earth are in harmony with each other, and playing our part to shape a sustainable and fulfilling future.
To realize the Duskin Green Vision 2050 and to contribute to a sustainable future society, we have set ourselves four challenges and incorporated them into a logo that resembles the four-leaf clover—a symbol of happiness also used in the company's emblem.
In order to propel environmentally friendly economic activities, we will leverage our circular rental system and food recycling system to further extend the lifespan of our products, services and systems, thereby aiming to minimize our environmental footprint. We will undertake research and development to facilitate the efficient use of resources and keep waste to a minimum, creating new environmental value.
We will actively adopt environmentally friendly renewable resources, recycled materials and certified raw materials. We will help build a society that has less of an impact on the environment by developing new environmentally conscious functional materials and by pursuing sustainable procurement, production, logistics and sales processes across the entire value chain.
We will look to optimize our energy mix by expanding investments in environmentally friendly sustainable energy resources and improving energy efficiency. We will aim to achieve carbon neutrality by employing measures to lower greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire supply chain, from the development and production of products and services to customer use and disposal, as well as by promoting the transition to renewable energy sources.
We will promote the deepening of ties and the formation of communities by encouraging the reuse and recycling of eco-friendly resources. We will contribute to the building of a green community platform that values harmony with nature and is accessible to all. We will achieve this by raising environmental awareness in the broader community through resource recycling activities, reducing waste, efficiently recovering resources and beautifying the streets.
The project to formulate the Duskin Green Vision 2050 was launched in December 2023 with the selection of five mid-level employees in their 30s who are engaged in a wide variety of businesses and operations and who will most likely become the driving force of the company's future. The project team members first came up with some statements to guide their formulation of the vision: for example, how Duskin must respond sincerely to the needs of society and leverage its strong points, draw on its business strengths and embrace challenges, and value its connections to the local community and contribute to the development of communities where people can live in harmony with the environment.