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The purpose of the information that appears on this website is to supply Duskin financial and management information, and is not meant as a recommendation for Duskin shares or a solicitation for investments. All viewers are responsible for their own decisions regarding investments.

This website includes information concerning current Duskin plans, strategies, and performance forecasts. However, this type of information is an estimate about the future made at the time of material disclosure, and contains risks and uncertain elements. Please be aware that significant divergences from the information presented here may arise due to a variety of factors such as changes in the ongoing economic situation or the business environment encompassing Duskin.

We pay the utmost possible care in preparing the content displayed here. However, we do not in any way guarantee the accuracy, recentness, usefulness, or any and all other characteristics of the displayed information, nor do we bear any liability whatsoever for any and all damage occurring due to third-party manipulation, errors in displayed information or downloaded data, etc.