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Work Environment and Work-life Balance

Basic Policy

We strive to maintain an environment that lets our employees balance their jobs and home life while also maximizing their own individual performance potential, an environment that enhances motivation and returns a sense of achievement and satisfaction. To this end, we maintain and promote an action plan for efforts to provide a variety of labor conditions, such as offering a working environment that allows employees to balance child raising with a career.

To actualize these goals, we declare our philosophies in our conduct guide called the "Duskin Code of Conduct".

●Duskin Code of Conduct 6: Duskin and us

9.Maintaining the workplace environment
We strive to deepen our understanding of issues including childcare and family care, and to actualize work-life balance.

Work-life balance action plan

Duskin has developed an action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. We also encourage employees to take annual paid leave. Additionally, on the last Friday of every month, we have short working hours aiming to promote work-life balance.

Major initiatives of the sixth-term action plans

Initiatives in promoting work-life balance

  • ●Continue to implement the telework system
  • ●Execute measures to encourage employees to take annual paid leave as planned
  • ●Continue to implement the No Overtime Work Day policy

Initiatives in creating a supportive working environment for employees who juggle work and child-rearing

  • ●Offer continued support to employees on childcare leave and upon their returning to the workplace.
  • ●Provide necessary information to inform male employees about paternity leave.
  • ●Continue flexible start time for employees who have personal reasons such as child-rearing.
  • ●Continue to provide benefits to employees for housework support.

Fiscal year targets

●Company-wide policy of planned paid leave

  • ・Annual paid leave usage rate of 60% or higher

●Continue No Overtime Work Day (every Friday)

●Continue Four-Leaf Clover Day (Duskin Premium Friday) (last Friday of months)

"Four-Leaf Clover" company badge

Duskin Company Badge

The design of Duskin's company badge consists of a capital D for Duskin and the good luck symbol of a four-leaf clover. The four-leaf clover was included with the hope that our employees find the ability to live a happy life based on work, family, hobbies and faith (the spirit of gratitude and self-reflection).

Reduction of long working hours

Duskin implements a variety of measures to reduce long working hours.

Major initiatives
  • ●Report on the actual situation of overtime work to management
  • ●Reduce long working hours within each department
  • ●Implement No Overtime Work Day at least once a month
  • ●Conduct Four-Leaf Clover Day (Duskin Premium Friday)
  • ●Place an interval before the next shift
  • Annual working hours per employee
    • *As of end-of-March for each year
    • *Duskin Co., Ltd. only
  • Rate of paid vacations taken
    • *As of end-of-March for each year
    • *Duskin Co., Ltd. only

Supporting the balance between work and childcare / family care

At Duskin, we actualize a convenient work environment by providing an array of systems for employees involved in childcare and employees who have to provide care for a family member.

Systems supporting balance with childcare and family care

Name Content Target
Flexible start time Can start work earlier or later than the beginning of the core time.
  • ◆◇Any employee complying with conditions approved by Duskin
Four-Leaf D-Turn Former employees can return to work.
  • Please refer to the note below.
Reduced working hours
for child raising
Work hours can be shortened up to 2 hours less than 1 day of scheduled working time.
  • Employees currently raising a child up to 3 years old.
Reduced working hours
for childcare
Work hours can be shortened up to 6 hours and 45 minutes for 1 day of scheduled working time.
  • Employees currently raising a child from 3 years old up to the 3rd year in elementary school.
Nursing care leave and
sabbatical leave
Can take nursing care leave of up to 5 days per year for one and 10 days per year for two or more family members who require nursing care. Sabbatical leave within 365 days per one person is also available.
  • Employees with a family member requiring nursing care
Accumulated paid leave Unused paid leave can be accumulated and used for caregiving.
  • Employees with a family member requiring nursing care
  • Childcare related Family nursing care related
Four-Leaf D-Turn
(work reinstatement

Note: Four-Leaf D-Turn (work reinstatement program) is a program that allows full-time employees who were forced to resign for reasons including childcare or family care to return to work. This program is also applicable to full-time employees who once left Duskin for career development reasons such as moving on to a different company or pursuing further study opportunities in Japan or abroad. All applicants should meet certain set conditions.

  • Employees who have taken childcare leave
    • *As of end-of-March for each year
    • *Duskin Co., Ltd. only
  • Employees who have taken nursing-care leave
    • *As of end-of-March for each year
    • *Duskin Co., Ltd. only

Localizing work rules

We create work rules in localized languages for overseas subsidiaries deployed abroad in places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Shanghai and thoroughly instruct all employees in various policies concerning issues such as work standards.

Wages and employee benefits

We comply with applicable laws and regulations related to wages that are set forth by the countries and regions in which we operate, including laws and regulations related to the minimum wage, overtime, equal work and wages, and legally mandated employee benefits.
Also, when the minimum wage is revised, we check the wages of all employees and revise hourly wages so they do not fall below the legal standard. And at the labor-management conference held once every two months with the labor union, we discuss wage improvement with the goal of improving employee lifestyles.

Work environment checks for new business

When acquiring a business or taking in a company as a subsidiary in order to develop a new business, after checking the work rules and evaluating the labor environment in advance based on the philosophy of legal compliance, we revise work rules as necessary.

Promoting telework

In comparison to working in an office, telework lets workers flexibly choose their work times and locations. This also leads to a decrease in commute time and a reduction in the accompanying physical and mental burden as well as an increase in work efficiency by allowing employees to work in an environment where they can focus on their tasks. Additionally, it also has the merit of fostering work-life balance for the employee through means such as reducing overtime work and helping the process of balancing work with childcare or family care.
And there are merits for the company as well, including contributing to the increase of productivity through heightened work efficiency, preventing workers from leaving their jobs due to reasons like childcare or family care, procuring talented human resources in remote locations, and reducing office costs.
In addition to being a work style that accommodates the "new normal" and "new lifestyle" changes both with and post COVID-19, telework is simultaneously a style of working that allows employees to flexibly choose working times and locations. For these reasons, we believe normalizing it is important.

■Core efforts

  • 1. Wi-Fi router loaning
  • 2. Support for VPN connection from household LAN
  • 3. Introduction of mobile computers
  • 4. Introduction of web meeting system
  • 5. Introduction of online training system
  • 6. Allowing switches between company work and telework within the same workday