Basic Policy
In order to provide a workplace in which employees are inspired to work energetically and the company is invigorated, Duskin proactively employs highly skilled and motivated human resources including women, foreign nationals, and mid-career hires, and promotes environments in which everyone can fully display their capabilities and experience.
To actualize these goals, we declare our philosophies in our conduct guide called the "Duskin Code of Conduct".
●Duskin Code of Conduct 6: Duskin and us
- 1.Respect human rights
- We pay due respect to one another, so that each one of us can develop our individuality and abilities through work. We protect the human rights of our Hataraki-san* as guaranteed by the Constitution of Japan, Labor Standards Act, and other laws and ordinances. What is more, we endeavor to create an open corporate culture that lets each one of us adequately reflect our opinions in our work.
- 2.Evaluate and treat our employees with fairness
- As Hataraki-san, we shall be evaluated and treated with fairness at workplaces, and our diverse ways of thinking and values shall be respected. We shall not be subject to any discrimination in evaluations, promotions or other treatment with respect to gender, age, nationality, human rights, belief, religion, or physical disability.
- 9.Maintain workplace environment
- We create manuals to prevent accidents at the workplace. And, in order to allow our Hataraki-san to fully display their capabilities, we strive to maintain and improve the safety and sanitariness of the workplace environment.
- 11.Eliminate harassment
- We take the utmost care not to sexually harass others (sexual harassment) or harass someone positioned under us by abusing our power over the person (power harassment).
Hataraki-san (employees)
People who are generally referred to in companies as employees or staff are called Hataraki-san at Duskin. This comes from the word "hataraku" in Japanese, which means "to work," and also means "to make things easier (raku) for others around you (hata)." When a person works hard for other people without thinking of their personal convenience, that will lead to a positive motivation to work hard and a sense of meaning in life because of the happiness and gratitude other people feel. This is the philosophy behind the word of Hataraki-san.
Basic Policy Concerning Respect for Human Rights
The Duskin Code of Conduct, which declares our shared sense of values, states that we "Respect human rights" throughout the entire supply chain. This makes clear our corporate stance of "embedding our actions with a thorough commitment to the spirit of 'respect for human rights' in all of our corporate activities". We maintain a Human Rights Policy that promotes this respect for human rights and complements the Duskin Code of Conduct.
- 1.Supporting international standards
- We support and respect international human rights standards such as the "International Bill of Human Rights" (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights) and the "Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work" from the International Labour Organization (ILO). Also, in addition to deploying business activity in line with UN "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights", we also comply with related laws and regulations of the countries and regions we do business in.
- 2.Respecting basic workers' rights
- We respect basic workers' rights, including the freedom of association, the rights of workers to organize, and the right to collective bargaining.
- 3.Preventing forced labor and child labor
- We do not allow any forced labor and child labor whatsoever anywhere in the supply chain.
- 4.Eliminating discrimination
- We do not allow discrimination based on the grounds of race, nationality, appearance, language, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, disabilities, past history, status, etc.
- 5.Maintaining pleasant workplace environments
- We strive to maintain a pleasant workplace environment that complies with minimum wage, reduces long work hours, eliminates harassment, and also considers the safety as well as the physical and mental health of our employees.
- 6.Efforts for human rights education and awareness
- We strive to offer educational opportunities to deepen correct understanding and awareness concerning human rights, and promote efforts to integrate such into our corporate culture.
- 7.Human rights due diligence
- We implement a series of procedures to identify, prevent, reduce, and avoid negative influences towards human rights that can arise through business activities.
Our human rights record
FY 2023 |
Human rights infringements |
0 infringements: We did not have any cases of severe human rights infringements. |
Human rights-related consultations |
Number of usages of "Hotline", a whistleblower response service that guarantees confidentiality and anonymity: 15 consultations |
Employee Awareness Survey (Engagement Survey)
Duskin views our employees as vital human resources who continue to create new value. To this end, we periodically issue employee awareness surveys in our quest to maintain a motivational and convenient workplace and to always aim for improvement as a company. We analyze employee awareness and workplace culture and vitality from an array of different angles, and advance the creation and implementation of measures to improve engagement.
- Survey overview
- Subjects: Full-time Duskin employees
- Response method: Signed
- Respondents (response ratio): 1,621 employees (97.8%)
- Question themes: 9 themes surveyed
"Satisfaction, productivity, systems, evaluation viewpoint, wage viewpoint, career viewpoint, transfers and appointments, work location, and telework"
The survey revealed high job satisfaction levels, but highlighted issues in the personnel system, working environment, and workplace productivity. We reflected the result in Personnel System reform (April 2022).
■Personnel system renovation points
Maintaining an environment in which all employees can contribute their own individuality, feel motivated, and be active.
- (1) Started the reevaluation of evaluation methods and the competency-based "Job-Based Management Position Appointment" that does not reflect choices based on age or rank
- (2) Created new "specialist positions"
- (3) Established a new system for retirement and rehiring
- (4) Continued the system of reinstating (rehiring) employees
- (5) "Desired divisions, job type, and region" survey used in job transfers
- (6) Generous benefits for transferees