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Human Resource Development

Basic Policy

Duskin considers people the core of all of our services. We value staff development that focuses on supporting each other and taking on challenges towards the goal of growth, and provide human resources training that invests our employees with a heart as well as knowledge and technique.

Indexes and targets

Targets FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Yearly training hours per person 20 hrs.
and up
18.4 hrs. 18.7 hrs. 23.5 hrs. 18.6 hrs. 19.5 hrs.

Duskin Co., Ltd. only (compilation of data from group training sponsored by the Human Resources division and correspondence education)

Employee development

Employee training system

In order to invest employees with an understanding of the principle of Prayerful Management and the ability to make that the source of all of their actions, Duskin provides a variety of kinds of education and training. To impart the knowledge and skills each individual needs so everyone can effectively fulfill their roles, we not only provide level-based training to employees including new hires, but also focus on cultivating area managers who can energize franchisees. We also encourage self-development through the acquisition of official certifications and participation in correspondence education and value self-motivated learning.

With the aim of enhancing the capabilities of management positions overseeing franchise headquarters and area managers, we provide an environment that facilitates undergoing Japan Franchise Association-sponsored training, and endeavor to expand the specialized knowledge and perspective of franchise management.

Company-wide training system

Time devoted to capability development

FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Companywide education
Number of total annual trainees
13,121 10,148 11,224 12,455 13,144
Companywide education
Total training hours
87,295 hrs. 107,379 hrs. 124,509 hrs. 110,705 hrs. 141,673 hrs.

Career development training goals

  • ●Using the opportunity to reassess one's own capabilities and renew one's own role awareness in order to redesign employee devotion to contributing to the company and reform their view of themselves as employees aiming for management positions.
  • ●In order to organizationally promote infusing the female perspective in management, we also aim to improve the workplace environment through senior staff in management positions, cultivate the sensitivity to recognize diverse market needs, and develop a culture that is rewarding to female employees and conducive to them playing active roles.

Instilling the Prayerful Management philosophy

In order to implement our management philosophy, we launched the Institute of Prayerful Management in FY 2016.

Based mainly on nationwide regional study groups headed by Institute of Prayerful Management lecturers and one-point study groups overseen by managers at regular meetings in each business division, the Institute also advances activities including information distribution through PR magazines and support for self-motivated education that employs e-learning. Furthermore, we plan to continue introducing learning tools for Prayerful Management that can be used at sales locations operated by franchisees, with examples such as creating new videos for learning more about Duskin's prayer meetings. Since our founding, we have been practicing these prayer meetings as a manifestation of our Prayerful Management.

"Prayerful Management study session"

Supporting human resource development for franchisees

Duskin School

Duskin School is a business education center for skills revolving around the Direct Selling Group. It is a facility where owners, managers, and staff members at franchisees operating in regions around the nation can learn in a comprehensive way about everything from management philosophy to operational know-how. It serves as a venue for acquiring knowledge and skill under richly experienced educational staff, extensive training curriculum, and high-level facilities.

  • Training at Duskin School
  • Duskin School

Regional training centers

To earn the trust of our customers, in addition to developing excellent products and services, the staff members who supply these things must have expert level knowledge and skill.

Duskin maintains regional training centers in 11 spots nationwide and repeatedly conducts training aiming for the enhancement of staff service and skill.

Mister Donut College

Mister Donut College was born before Mister Donut expanded as a franchise network, under the belief that business success originates in education as inspired by the core philosophy statement of the founder, "Human resources are not a set product or thing, so we must cultivate them with our own hands."

In order to cultivate top-level food business people, the college has organized our unique education system into manuals and teaches the spirit of valuing the Mister Donut philosophy and our customers in addition to donut production and customer service techniques.
The training content of course contains topics from food sanitation to quality control and shop maintenance and management, centered on practical training. But it has also been revised as needed to include educational content that fits in with the changes of the times. Currently, trainers are dispatched to each region where they hold seminars on thinking about customer satisfaction and establish the curriculum for the interpersonal skills necessary for engaging in management. The aim is to cultivate human resources who can think and act independently to better satisfy customers.

the Mister Donut Japan Training Center

To pass on the philosophy of "Prayerful Management" to trainees, Duskin founder Seiichi Suzuki launched the Mister Donut Japan Training Center.

Training record per division

Total participants per year Total training hours
Duskin School 827 trainees 26,736 hours
Mister Donut College 1,416 trainees 63,332 hours

Training shop proprietors, the role responsible for developing the ideal shop

To become a Mister Donut shop manager, employees must attain a license through a strict testing process. Trainees can select two courses based on their work situations. One is a 49-day curriculum. It is a course that teaches Mister Donut philosophy and shop operation standards from the very basics on up. The other is a 16-day curriculum for employees who already have a certain level of work experience at an existing shop. It is a course that reteaches the donut making process from the basics and deeply instills shop management know-how in an environment that also features many opportunities for discussion with colleagues gathered from around the country.

What's more, even after becoming a "shop proprietor", employees must renew their license every two years to continue polishing their skills of providing customer satisfaction.

Cultivating hygiene management professionals: "Hygiene Masters"

Duskin maintains a system of cultivating and certifying professional "Hygiene Masters" who can give hygiene advice oriented mainly towards restaurants and the like.

Hygiene Masters quantify cleanliness levels with measuring instruments, check daily hygiene management including refrigerator temperature control, foodstuff management, and cleaning methods, and create inspection reports helpful for assessing current conditions, improving problematic points, and maintaining the effectiveness of improvements. Based on this, they also provide advice to prevent hygiene risks from occurring.

In the process of attaining certification, potential Hygiene Masters thoroughly learn hygiene management knowledge from the basic level upward at Duskin School or regional training centers. Trainees practice repeated roleplaying. They are also accompanied by instructors on client shop diagnosis trips, and accumulate practical know-how.