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All about Duskin

The story behind our name

On November 16, 1963, Duskin was born.
People often ask us if we are a non-Japanese company because of our name, but founder Seiichi Suzuki reportedly wanted to name the company "Zokin" Inc. ("Zokin" is dust cloth.)
One of the executives at the time said the word "zokin" was something he would rather not use in naming a company, so the name became Duskin with a combination of the English word "dust" and the "kin" from "zokin."

The story behind our name

Sowing the seeds of joy. Our founder's philosophy lives on.

Founder Seiichi Suzuki devoted himself to his work under the belief that profit the reward of joyous transactions and with the wish that everyone involved in working at Duskin would lead happy lives. It was the Home Duskin, a cloth that wipes away dust without using water, that became a major source of power in realizing his wish. This product was called the "magic dust cloth" among homemakers and brought about a "cleaning revolution" in Japanese households.
Founder's philosophy — sowing the seeds of joy — has lived on in Duskin to this very day. We interpret this philosophy as putting service to society ahead of profits through our work.

Passing on the founder's dream

Duskin is a franchise pioneer.

Did you know that Duskin was the pioneer that introduced the franchise system into Japan?
Founder Seiichi Suzuki introduced a unique franchise system so that everyone who agreed with Duskin's philosophy of Prayerful Management could use its business as an opportunity for their success.
The headquarters and franchisees are united by same management philosophy. Sharing a common destiny under the slogan of Sowing the Seeds of Joy, the franchise network is united and grows together. This is what Duskin aims for. To this day, Duskin operates diverse franchise businesses, and many franchisees has started those businesses.

Duskin is a franchise pioneer

Developing a wide range of businesses in various business domains

Duskin pioneered the three business systems of franchising, renting, and dust control in Japan. And in our subsequent business development efforts, we then went on to constantly seek out franchise business potential and expand our business domains. We are expanding our business domains in areas such as the food service industry with businesses including Mister Donut and the cleaning service industry through professional technical service.
Duskin has provided high-quality products and services, made possible through the know-how we have accumulated over more than a half-century. And we will continue our quest to actualize high-level, sophisticated franchise packages.

Establish three systems
Expanding the market not only in Japan but also overseas

This high level of know-how is currently expanding not only throughout Japan, but also abroad as well. We are successively expanding our franchise business market in places like Shanghai (China), Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

Overseas expansion

Duskin's company badge: A four-leaf clover

Our company badge is made up of the "D" from Duskin and the four-leaf clover, a symbol of happiness. The four leaves stand for: work, family, hobbies, and faith.
Founder Seiichi Suzuki wanted employees to, "Value these four ideals in order to actualize happiness in life," and believed that, "Work is something that should bring joy to the lives of people and provide an opportunity for personal growth," and made this one of the core corporate philosophies of Duskin.

Duskin's company badge: A four-leaf clover

We call our employees "Hataraki-san."

People who are generally referred to in companies as employees or staff are called Hataraki-san at Duskin. This comes from the word "hataraku" in Japanese, which means "to work," and also means "to make things easier (raku) for others around you (hata)." When a person works hard for other people without thinking of their personal convenience, that will lead to a positive motivation to work hard and a sense of meaning in life because of the happiness and gratitude other people feel. This is the philosophy behind the word of Hataraki-san.

We call our employees Hataraki-san.