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Message from the President

Connecting people's hearts for their happy and fulfilling future

Hiroyuki Okubo

I would like to thank all stakeholders for their exceptional support as always.
During the Olympic and Paralympic Games held in Paris this summer, I was deeply moved by the heroic efforts of athletes from around the world as they competed in their respective events. It also gave me a sense of courage and hope to face various challenges. How did you feel when watching the Games?

In the first half of this year, there were numerous unfavorable news and events, such as instability in world affairs, frequent natural disasters, the rising prices of goods and services directly affecting daily life, and the manifestation of labor shortages. On the other hand, significant advancements were made in technological innovation, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and progress in the renewable energy field, bringing new possibilities to our lives and businesses. We will swiftly respond to such changes and push forward to achieve our aims by continuously taking on new challenges.

Initiatives of the Medium-Term Management Policy 2022

The fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 is the final year of the Medium-Term Management Policy 2022 and the final phase of our long-term strategy, ONE DUSKIN. We are currently pressing ahead with efforts to add the finishing touches.
In the Direct Selling Group, we completed the attachment of RFID electronic tags to all rental mats and mops in circulation by the end of the previous fiscal year, and we have now started simultaneous scanning using tag readers, instead of manual counting. The aim of this initiative is to enhance operational efficiency and ready ourselves for labor shortages in the future. Going forward, we will look to make further efficiency improvements — for example, by turning our cleaning plants into smart factories.
In the Food Group, we are pursuing the development of business formats that cater to different locations and different consumer motivations compared to our existing brands, while in the Mister Donut business, which continues to perform strongly, we are focusing on product development and the opening of new shops. At the same time, we are implementing measures to further enhance customer convenience, such as by updating the smartphone app and verifying operations at shops that have introduced unmanned self-payment systems.

Purpose, Vision and next long-term strategy

Having celebrated our 60th anniversary last fiscal year, we have formulated a Purpose that represents our significance in society and a Vision outlining the roles we ought to fulfill in order to achieve it. While the universal corporate philosophy advocated by our founder, Seiichi Suzuki, constitutes the backbone of the company, in this ever-changing modern world, our Purpose and Vision embodies our desire to create value by "connecting people's hearts" and pursuing sustainable growth while continuing to be of service to society.
As we grow together with all of our stakeholders, we will set our sights on achieving even greater things. In closing, I would like to thank you for your unwavering support.

November 2024
Hiroyuki Okubo
Representative Director,
President and CEO