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Environment Management System

Our Direct Selling group as well as Production & Logistics Group and facilities engage in environmental management based on ISO14001. The Rent-All Business was originally certified as a separate site. However, we integrated it and registered it for ISO14001 certification (registration number: JQA-EM1552) under the name "Direct Selling Group" (which includes the Dust Control Business, Care Service Business, and Rent-All Business). Furthermore, in our Quality Assurance & Risk Management department, we hold Quality and Environment Meetings twice per year. There, we consider important themes related to quality and the environment and issue proposals to the Sustainability Committee and consider revisions of regulations and rules pertaining to quality and the environment and propose them to the Board of Directors.
We conduct a Direct Selling Group ISO14001 renewal review every year. The Food Group, which implements environmental management based on energy management, conducts an internal audit and an evaluation through an external advisor every year.

  • Production & Logistics Group and facilities
  • Direct Selling Group Head Office and franchaise units
  • Chief Environmental Officer: Representative Director, President and CEO
  • Environmental Affairs Administrator:Operating Officer for Quality Assurance & Risk Management

Environment management system

Environmental record
Violation of environmental rules There is no record of violation of law.

Environmental education

Environmental education in the training for new employees

Environmental education in new staff training

As one part of company orientation training for new employees, we deploy early education concerning the environment. Trainees learn about issues including environmental problems and corporate environmental efforts and information disclosure, and think about how we contribute to the environment through Duskin business activities, making sure everyone gains full awareness together. While raising awareness about the environment, we are also working to develop human resources that promote environmental management.

"E-learning" educational materials

"e-learning" educational materials

In April 2017, we introduced e-learning as part of our efforts to further enhance environmental education.
We also impart e-learning concerning general environmental knowledge to our permanent employees and full-time contract staff.