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Editorial Policy

Reference Guidelines

Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation

This report uses the International Integrated Reporting Framework by IIRC; Guidance for Integrated Corporate Disclosure and Company-Investor Dialogue for Collaborative Value Creation by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; and the GRI Standards by GRI.

Period Covered

The period covered for this report is from fiscal 2023 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024). However, reports of FY2022 and before, and some activities from FY2024, are also included.

Scope of Coverage

This report concerns Duskin Co., Ltd., its affiliated companies and franchised units (offices/shops/factories).


Used in this report are: Duskin Corporate Group—Duskin Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries; Duskin Group—Duskin Corporate Group and Duskin's affiliated companies accounted for by equity methods; and Duskin Family— Duskin Group and its franchisees (including shops, offices and plants) that agree with Duskin's management philosophy.

Time of Issue

This report was published in September 2024; the next issue is scheduled for September 2025.