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Participation in Initiatives

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index

We participate in the "TCFD Consortium" in agreement with the proposal by the "Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures" (TCFD), which was installed by the Financial Stability Board (FSB). Based on a proposal from the TCFD, we analyze risks and opportunities related to climate change while also advancing information disclosure from perspectives including strategy, risk management and governance.

The TCFD Consortium (

CDP (climate change)

FTSE Blossom Japan Index

CDP is an initiative composed of major worldwide institutional investors that seeks disclosures from companies all over the world regarding climate change strategies (risks and opportunities) and greenhouse gas emissions. Duskin is disclosing corporate information in response to CDP climate change queries.


Agreement with the Ministry of the Environment's "Fun to Share" initiative

Fun to Share

In agreement with the Cool Biz promoted by the Japan Franchise Association (JFA), of which we are a member, we are not only setting appropriate temperatures in our shops, but also endorsing the climate change campaign for actualizing a low-carbon society promoted by the Ministry of the Environment.

Endorsing the Ministry of the Environment's "COOL CHOICE"


"COOL CHOICE" is a national movement for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions like CO2. It promotes all kinds of wise choices that support global warming countermeasures like "replacing with eco-friendly products", "choosing eco-friendly services", and "choosing eco-friendly lifestyles", which contribute to developing a decarbonized society.
Duskin endorses the government-wide national movement "COOL CHOICE", and in addition to practicing summertime and wintertime energy conservation in the office, we also engage in other wise "choices" contributing to decarbonization.

Membership in Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA)


We are a member of the Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA), which aims to resolve the marine plastic problem.
CLOMA is an alliance founded in January 2019 to strengthen ties between a wide array of individuals transcending specific industries and to accelerate open innovation, including the sustainable use of plastic products and the promotion of the development and introduction of alternative materials.


Capital participation in "R Plus Japan Co., Ltd."

R Plus Japan Co., Ltd.

Concerning the plastic waste problem caused by marine plastic refuse, which is seen as a problem worldwide, we aim to fulfill our social responsibility as a company and support the plastic resource recycling strategy developed by the national government. To this end, we engage in capital participation with "R Plus Japan Co., Ltd.", a joint venture company launched in June 2020, and recycle used plastics.