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The Duskin Story

Providing advanced products and services that fulfill the needs of the times

Founder Seiichi Suzuki launched Duskin in 1963 with the goal of "sowing the seeds of joy" throughout people and society. The story of Duskin in its mission to provide products and services that respond to the needs of society and the constantly changing times is a prime example of what it means to continually sow the seeds of joy throughout the years.


Released the groundbreaking chemically-treated dust cloth "Home Duskin" nationwide.

"Home Duskin" can wipe away dust without using water, and garnered immense support as illustrated by homemakers calling it the "magic dust cloth". It sparked a "cleaning revolution" in Japanese households.


Became the first Japanese member of the International Franchise Association (IFA)


Launched Mister Donut

Out of a desire to deliver joy to people by supplying delicious doughnuts, Duskin launched Mister Donut as the very first food franchise business in Japan.


Promoting business diversification

Starting with the professional cleaning service "ServiceMaster" in 1971, we launched the environment hygiene management business dealing with areas such as harmful insect and vermin control (currently the "Terminix" service) in 1977, and launched the comprehensive rental business for households (currently the "Rent-All" service) in 1978.


Deploying business that considers "social wealth and comfort"

We have also introduced services that contribute to the wealth and comfort of society, such as the launch of the "Healthcare" service (currently Duskin Healthcare) in 1982 that provides a management service for medical-related facilities and the launch of the "Merry Maids" (home cleaning and helper) service in 1989.


Expanded Dust control business outside of Japan

The foreign expansion of the "Dust Control" business that began in Taiwan expanded to the high economic growth region of China (Shanghai) in 2006. We are currently expanding our household and office markets at a positive pace, with 24 hubs in 2 regions as of December 2020.


"Katsu & Katsu" (Japanese pork cutlet restaurants) opened


Launched services for the elderly

Using an operation style of directly visiting clients, we launched "Home Instead Senior Care" (currently Duskin Life Care) as a service to support clients while living in their own houses.
In 2004, we also launched "Health Rent", a service renting and selling assisted-living products.


Accelerated Mister Donut foreign expansion

We opened shops in the four regions of Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The deliciousness of Mister Donut is expanding even internationally.


The MOS Burger and Mister Donut collaboration shop "MOSDO" opened


Proposed a new easy and clean cleaning style

To streamline cleaning for busy customers, we released "Cleaning Basic Three" (2014) and the cleaning robot "Robot Cleaner SiRo" (2016).


Mister Donut light meal menu "MISDO GOHAN" launched

A collaborative product development project between Mister Donut and other brands called "MISDO meets" launched


Establish "Duskin Laboratory", a space devoted to collaborative creation of new value


Created a new Direct Selling Group tagline: "Creating healthy environments"