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Communicating with Investors and Shareholders

Basic policy for IR and SR activities

The basic policy of Duskin is to proactively engage in a variety of investor relations (IR) and shareholder relations (SR) activities for the purposes of earning trust in the company's management, receiving a proper evaluation of the company and achieving sustained business growth as well as medium- to long-term improvement in corporate value. Furthermore, we work to build trust in the capital market by disclosing management information required for investment judgments in a timely and appropriate manner as well as by actively providing an environment that facilitates dialogue with shareholders and investors.

Framework of IR and SR activities

Duskin designates the chief of the Investor Relations section of Corporate Planning department as the liaison responsible for IR matters. The section conducts all sorts of IR and SR activities. As a general rule, the Investor Relations section chief evaluates requests for interviews with Duskin's senior management and Board Directors based on their relevance to the aforementioned purposes and the executives and Board Directors actively respond to the approved requests.

In addition to attending important internal company meetings, the chief of the Investor Relations section views internal company approval requests as needed and gathers necessary information in close cooperation with related divisions. The information as well as market evaluations and opinions gained through IR and SR activities are reported by the Operating Officer overseeing Investor Relations to the Board of Directors twice a year and are reflected in management as necessary.

Dialogue with institutional investors and analysts (including shareholders)

We hold financial results briefings aimed at institutional investors and analysts twice each year (second-quarter and year-end financial results). At the briefings, the President and CEO provides easy-to-understand explanations using charts, etc. regarding financial result information and the overview and progress report on the Medium-term Management Policy. We also actively engage in individual meetings as necessary.

Dialogue with individual investors (including shareholders)

We provide company briefings for individual investors with the cooperation of nationwide branches of securities firms and IR support companies. We hold online briefings as well as in-person briefings. One of major advantages of online briefings is that in addition to live streaming on the briefing day, they can also be viewed on-demand at a later date. This allows individual investors to watch briefings at their own convenience.
Also, we value this online dialogue style because it enables us to receive participant feedback by communicating through the chat feature and issuing questionnaires online.

Promoting dialogue with investors including shareholders [PDF:109KB]

IR activities

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
General Meetings
of Shareholders
Number of attendees (people) 36 109 153
Number of votes 422,946 428,587 415,327
Percent of total votes (%) 85.83 85.80 85.89
Dialogue with
institutional investors
Financial results briefings (frequency) 3 2 2
Total participants (companies) 87 71 51
Visits to institutional investors (companies) 1 0 17
Visits to us (companies) 1 0 3
Online meetings, etc. (companies) 57 73 62
Dialogue with
individual investors
Number of briefings held (briefings) 5 6 6
Number of participants (people) 10,066 10,123 6,267
  • Note: Participants include on-demand video footage viewers (views other than simultaneous streaming views)

SR activities

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Dialogue with major shareholders Online meetings, etc. (companies) 9 9 9